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100 Instructive Calculus based Physics Examples The Laws of Motion

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over 100 fully-solved examples

step-by-step solutions with explanations

standard problems from physics with calculus

includes tables of equations, symbols, and units

This volume covers motion, including uniform acceleration, calculus-based motion, vector addition, projectile motion, Newton's laws, center of mass integrals, conservation of energy, collisions, the scalar and vector product, rotation, moment of inertia integrals, satellites, and more. (Vol. 2 covers electricity and magnetism, while Vol. 3 covers waves, fluids, heat, sound, and light. Vol.'s 2-3 will be released in the spring of 2017.)

AUTHOR: The author, Dr. Chris McMullen, has over 20 years of experience teaching university physics in California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana (and has also taught physics to gifted high school students). Dr. McMullen currently teaches physics at Northwestern State University of Louisiana. He has also published a half-dozen papers on the collider phenomenology of superstring-inspired large extra dimensions. Chris McMullen earned his Ph.D. in particle physics from Oklahoma State University (and his M.S. in physics from California State University, Northridge).

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