Download 180 Days of Reading: Grade 2 - Daily Reading Workbook for Classroom and Home, Reading Comprehension and Phonics Practice, School Level Activities Created by Teachers to Master Challenging Concepts PDF or Ebook ePub For Free with | Phenomny Books

180 Days of Reading: Grade 2 - Daily Reading Workbook for Classroom and Home, Reading Comprehension and Phonics Practice, School Level Activities Created by Teachers to Master Challenging Concepts

EN Langue, linguistique et écriture il y a 5 jours 417
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Great for after school and intervention programs, students gain regular practice through these quick diagnostic-based activities. Both fiction and nonfiction passages are provided as well as data-driven assessment tips and a Digital Resource CD with assessment analysis and electronic versions of the daily practice activities. This resource is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

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