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Grow Your Own Groceries: How to Feed Your Family from Your Own Back Garden

EN Salud, Familia y Desarrollo Personal il y a 4 ans 2488
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Producing your own food is not only rewarding but - in times of economic and environmental changes - increasingly a must! Nature provides everything the human body requires to thrive, and cultivating some of those natural products in your own back garden will not only produce the best food on the planet for you and your loved ones, it is also economical, environmentally friendly and more fun than shopping. Many crops, such as herbs for example, can be produced in a relatively small space with a little pre-planning and organising, and they are perfect for enhancing the flavour of cooking, treating minor ailments, and preventing colds and flu. This book provides all the information you need to keep your family and friends healthy, fit and enjoying life to the full. Gardening is more than a hobby; it's a way of life. Even without a garden, many plants can be grown in containers, on a balcony, and indoors.

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