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The Developmental Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning: The L2 Acquisition of Object Pronouns in Spanish

EN Langue, linguistique et écriture il y a 4 ans 2765
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This work identifies developmental stages in the acquisition of object pronouns by instructed second language learners of Spanish.It examines learners ranging from beginner to advanced, where the most advanced are themselves teachers of Spanish language courses.Study abroad experience is also a variable in the data.

The book explores language production from a functionalist perspective, examining form-to-function and function-to-form mappings. It provides insights into related developments

in production, placement and processing of object pronouns. Detailed analysis reveals that the most

powerful predictor of performance across levels and within levels for each of

these is the level of the learner.Formal instruction and the study abroad

experience is examined, both the specific instruction on object pronouns and

overall exposure to instruction.

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